Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Provo High Class of 1960 Committee Lunch at Brick Oven

Paul Coon explains golf plans to Kathryn Heal Knight.
Susan Field Walles will make BIG name tags.
Linda Wightman Fleming collects the money ($30 per person) and extra donations (PLEASE!). Kathy Ostler Fryer is putting together a decoration committee.
Jeanne Merrell Niesen looks like Coco Chanel.
Doc Hansen is arranging the dinner menu. Kathy Davis Allman will select a dance combo. (Suggestions?) Linda Cannon Aukshun wants to help, too.

Sixteen Provo High Class of 1960 pals met for lunch today at the Brick Oven. We reviewed plans for our 50th reunion next July 2 and 3, 2010, but mostly we chatted and joked and had a great time. We are going to hold more of these events in the future prior to the reunion. We want to get all of the bulldogs in the St. George area together sometime this fall or winter, too. We handed out the list of 51 deceased classmates, 59 lost classmates and 376 total classmates. Want to find someone? Send us a message!
Our next official meeting is October 7th, location to be announced later. Please join us.

Left to right: Doc Hansen, Kathy Davis Allman, Linda Cannon Aukshun, Susan Field Walles, Ray Hintze, Charles and Diana Dowling, Paul Coon, Kathryn Heal Knight, Bob Valentine, Linda Wightman Fleming, Burt Robbins, Jeanne Merrell Nielsen, Kathy Ostler Fryer, Marce Croft and Wayne Clarke (not pictured).

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